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To help us tune the car, we use particular meters. In order to check voltage ranges, we attach an oscilloscope to the engine electrics and a lambda sensor to the exhaust that has a display that can be read from the driver’s seat. We aim to maintain optimal oxygen levels in the exhaust gases by measuring them in this way. We are able to electronically adjust fueling and ignition timing on engines that have aftermarket engine management systems, such as MBE, Omex, DTA, and so on, in order to increase BHP and enhance fuel economy.

On engines with carburettors, we must alter the fuel by adjusting needles, jets, emulsion tubes, air correctors, and other components on Weber-style carbs or S.U. carbs. Typically, moving the distributor advance curve can be used to change the ignition timing.


Bedding in a newly built Jaguar XK engine.